Winter Chill...
New "old" tat!
(2006-06-24, 5:15 p.m.)
You all remember this right?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Well...this is that now...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sorry...I've been playing around with it to try to get it bigger and it's not working...but anyway... isn't it divine!! I love it! I'm so glad I finally got it fixed. I was in the chair for an hour, and I do have to say, it didn't hurt as bad as I've heard people say it would. Or maybe it's because I haven't had one in so long, that it didn't bother me much. It's still sore today, but that's expected. I will seriously be saving up some cash to get some more done by him!
Oh, and I took both pictures with my new digital camera! I now have a Olympus FE-115, and I can shoot movies with it too!
I went into the guest bedroom and got my printer out of there so I can make pictures now. Unfortunately, that means most of my counter space is taken up with computer/digital/iPod stuff, but who cares, I have new toys to play with! I had to work today at the tile shop, and I had two phone calls and no one came it! It would have made for a long day, if not for re-reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I had taken it to work on Tuesday to give to one of the girls, but I started reading it, and want to finish it again. I also went out and got the new Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum book, 12 Sharp, so I need to get going on that one also! That's what tonight is going to be for. I'm going to make BLT's for dinner and enjoy a quiet night at home! Later gators!