Winter Chill...
They call her Mississippi
(2006-12-18, 11:34 p.m.)
Good news! I'm feeling like a human being today! I still have some stuffiness, and I've been coughing like a fiend, but no more sore throat or draining! I'm tired because of the trifecta today, but other than that, things are good!
Both jobs were insane today too! I was alone at the tile shop in the morning, and I had mega phone calls, with people in the store waiting for me. Then I got to the hospital and there were still 13 surgeries to go! When I left tonight, they were still working.
I'm talking to Tom right now, we are going to go out to dinner on Sunday. He gets out at 7, then he's coming here, and we are either going to Damon's, Logan's, or Bennigans. I have nothing to do on sunday. We don't get together as a family anymore, so why should I just sit at home and do nothing?
I shouldn't!
So do you want to know what silly thing I did last night?
I signed up on Singlesnet. Yeah...within 15 minutes, I had guys sending me messages, I like your smile, you're so pretty. Thanks dude, I'm sure you tell that to all the ladies. Although, I do have to admit, there is one guy on there that I was all...damn...about.
I hurt my foot tonight at work, and I don't know how. I was sitting in the lounge working on my ProjectPlaylist list, and I got a sharp pain running along the outside of my foot. And it hurts to try to strech it out. Who knows...
Tomorrow morning I would like to be up around the butt crack of dawn to get my last two gifts, then it's home to wrap, and do laundry! Oh yeah...and I need to try to squeeze in some grocery shopping in there!
And thanks to a friend from myspace, I now have speakers on this computer. I didn't realize that the speakers needed to be plugged into a socket. Der.