Winter Chill...
Jury Duty Story
(2005-12-04, 10:36 p.m.)
Okay, let�s get started with jury duty. Monday morning, they originally picked the first 13 to sit on the panel. I wasn�t picked at that time. The defense and prosecuting attorneys would ask questions of the panel in reference anything relating sex. So that kind of set the tone of the case, we knew sort of what we were dealing with. One of the questions they asked was, �do you know anyone who has been in an abusive relationship?� One guy answered that his daughter had been in a relationship like that and he didn�t know if he could render a impartial decision. Then he busts into a story about his daughter, and how no one noticed, including himself. And because of no one noticing she caught a STD, and now she has to live with that for the rest of her life. Um�TMI!! Another question asked referred to a woman who was married, but separated from he husband, and was spending time with a man. The same gentleman had to tell us about how 35 years ago he meet a woman who was with someone, and he really wanted to go out with her, but he wouldn�t. Then she got out that relationship, and he got with her had he�s been with her ever since. Again, TMI!! Needless to say, he didn�t stay on the jury!
There were definitely lots more that I could tell you about, but I won�t totally bore you!
The basis of the case was, starting in 2004, the defendant started sexually harassing the victim. It started with casually brushing up against her breast, and when she said he could get fired for that, he threatened to call INS and get her green card revoked. She�s from Kenya. He also told her that women at their workplace who had accused a man of sexual harassment got �let go� before the man got reprimanded. There were three incidents, the first where oral sex was forced, and then two others where he attempted it. It was a very interesting case, I would really love to tell you everything, but that would take more than one entry. Needless to say, after hearing her testimony, and his, he just wasn�t believable. His testimony sounded like he had read way too many Penthouse Forum magazines. Everything was very flourished, although that�s not quite the word I�m looking for.
This case was a shitty situation for all parties involved. I felt bad for both the defendant and the victim. The defendant didn�t have any family here, and the last relationship he was in, was over 6 years ago, and it only lasted a month. She didn�t have any family in Michigan, the closest was two nephews in Maryland.
So anyway, that�s my week of jury duty condensed down. I am totally serious when I say you need to actually watch a trial. Better yet if you called to sit on a jury, do it!

I know I said I would tell you about the concert today...but that's not going to happen. I've been floating around today, not in my full brain capacity. I'm guessing that after watching Grey's Anatomy I'm going to hit the sack and pass out for the night. Or at least that's what I want to happen!
I will update tomorrow at work about the concert, I promise!!!!