Winter Chill...
An update..
(2007-03-02, 12:05 p.m.)
Okay...Still not that happiest camper, but things have improved a bit. Sadly, I'm at work, and can't really tell you what is going on. If things work out like I discussed with Jill yesterday, I will be coming back to the tile shop full time, and telling the fuckwads at the hospital to kiss my ass.
But somethings have to be resolved first, and that probably won't happen for a couple of months. Which is fine, I can put away any extra money I make, to have a little cushion in the future.
That's the scoop so far.
I was supposed to have the trifecta this morning, and thanks to Mother Nature, school got cancelled. I did a little happy dance, then went back to bed, and fell asleep promptly, causing all kinds of funky dreams. I tried to remember when I was rudely awakened by the alarm, but it didn't happen this time.
I don't have much work to do today, so I've added pics from Webshots, and downloaded a bunch of new fonts this morning.
Can you believe it, in 18-19 days, Spring will be here! Yeah! I'm just itching to get outside and do something other than shovel!!