Winter Chill...
same shit......
(2005-01-11, 11:43 p.m.)
hey all....
Well my picks for the football games weren't to bad. I was SO bummed about the Packers, they were the team I really really really wanted to win. I could go on about how pissed I was getting as the were getting slaughtered, but I won't. I could tell you that I had to turn the station several times, but I won't get into it. I will continue to wear my CheeseHead hat with pride, in hopes that next year will be better.
I'm getting really sick of my job at the hospital. To the point where as soon as I have vacation time built up, I have to burn it just to get away from that place. I have a friend who has been bugging me to move to Grand Rapids, but I think I would have a hard time trying to find a place that would allow me to have my felines without paying a huge deposit and extra rent for having them. Plus I love my house. I've been here almost two years now, which is still hard to believe. I was an apartment dweller for 11 years. Yikes.
Asshat called me last night, yeah I know big surprise. Not that I believed anything that he says, but he was telling me that he was getting off work around midnight and wanted to come over. I told him to do what he had to do, which was not come over. He's such a fuckwad. I'm seriously considering having a guy friend stay here for a bit and then when asshat calls, have my friend answer the phone like he's the new guy in my life.....I know, pathetic. Oh well.....
The new season of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy started tonight and I'm hoping they re-broadcast it at midnight, which is 5 minutes away. Got to go get ready! Peace