Winter Chill...
A raise?????
(2005-02-01, 11:48 p.m.)
Same shit different day...Actually it was an okay day. I got to sleep in which was nice, and totally forgot that I was supposed to go to a meeting with my insurance company about my coverage..Duh! I was thinking it was tomorrow, which I called them and cancelled because mom is having surgery again. Get to that in a minute. Yeah, so I call the insurance company and leave a message about not being able to make it, and after I hang up, I call to check my messages, and they left one on voicemail to call and re-schedule. OOPS. My bad. So mom is scheduled for surgery at 7.30 tomorrow, which means they have to be there at 5.30. No freaking way I'm making it that early. Dad paged me tonight and said I can back it up so I can get some sleep. Yeah, like that will happen. I normally stay up until 12.30-1.00am. So I will try to get into bed a bit early so I can see her before she goes in. One of the best things about working in the OR is that I got to pick the crew who is in her room. Last time she was in they gave here a really nice tattoo, so I asked my friend to give her another one!!! The bridal shower is coming along nicely. We decided to attach that saying that I found on the web to the candles, so last night I printed them off and tonight at work I cut them up. I need to go and get a paper punch and I hope I can find one that is heart shaped. Just have to hit the local craft shop. Oh yeah, and I got a raise today from the tile shop. I think the last time I got one way at least four years ago, so I was really suprised to see it on my check. I needed it badly though. I also got my house decorated for Valentines day. I put pink lights outside on the deck, and since they don't make pink light bulbs for regular lights, I took a white one and painted over it with some pink nail polish and put it in my street light. It looks so cool! Watched AI tonight...that's all I'm going to say for now....Peace