Winter Chill...
My children
(2005-02-04, 12:07 a.m.)
yeah! I'm off of work for three days!!! Total bliss....getting into my Zen state of relaxation and carefree attitude. Acutally I'm kind of piss right now at Tracy. She was supposed to go pick up the candles for the shower and get them to me tonight so I could start tying the verse on them. Never heard from her, and she gave her cell to her girlfriend, so I can't even get a hold of her with that. My thoughts are if she doesn't get them to me, then I guess they don't get the verse put on. I'm not waiting all day tomorrow for her to come over. I have SnowFest to go to. Although with the weather getting weird, it might be kind of melted. Oh well, it's my favorite town to visit for a day regardless of any festivals that they have going on. Okay, get out of your pissyness.
I was reading warcrygirl's entry today about her cat being sort of ill and I thought I would mention my feline beasties that I have. Fatman or Fouf, he responds to both, is my oldest at 14. He was found in the engine of a friends van. He currently weighs in at 18 pounds and is black with a white patch on his chest. Hence, Fatman. Next I got Crockett and Chelsea from a ex's brother. Crockett is 13 and orange and white and was named after the running back Ray Crockett. Chelsea is no longer with me, I had the crappy job of having her put to sleep in September 2003. I woke up one morning to find her doing this funky stumble around the kitchen. Took her to the vet and discovered she had had a stroke and continued to have them while she was at the vets. Next came Bailey Bug. I got him from my best friend. At the time her boys were 3 and 4 and really didn't understand the concept of having a kitten as a pet. You can't pick the kitten up by his tail. Unfortunatly, Bailey Bug had to be put to sleep in April 2002, he had kidney failure. Then along came Tyson, he's a biter, but not in a total Mike Tyson way. Just little love nips. Kirby followed, my boss found him outside the tile shop one weekend. She wanted to keep him there as the shop cat, but I wasn't having that! He got his name because he would suck on my earlobe at night, thus Kirby the vacuum cleaner. Alani was next, she's my orange tabby. Which I was told was rare. Most orange tabbies are male. Alani means orange in Hawaiian. She also has half a tail, because mom is a moron and dropped a plate on her tail when I had only had her a week, so she's an amputee. Boo followed, she's my all white two colored eyes frightened by everything cat. She's just now letting me pet her. And last but not least is Lucifer. He has the most beautiful blue eyes, and the attitude like Lucifer. So those are my kids, and I love them all very much. It's getting late, oh yeah, even though I have no plans for tomorrow, I'm going to retire soon. Peace