Winter Chill...
(2005-02-20, 7:18 p.m.)
Thanks to the asshole radio personality who was talking about getting one last big snow storm before spring.'s here...I've shoveled twice so far today..and I will have to shovel before I go to work in the morning. I was completely happy with the dead grass and occasional pile of snow look. I don't mind snow....I'm just bored with the whole thing.
This weekend was kind of sister in law called me friday to remind me that I was watching my niece on saturday....Totally didn't remember saying that I would watch her. We had fun though. I know, I've said it before....she so freaking cute. Oh great, I hear the snow plows. It's about time.
My cousin was leaving Mass today to head home, I hope she gets through all this snow...yuck. Holy shit...the pile of snow at the end of my driveway is about two feet tall...crapper...I guess I will be getting up around 7 to go shovel.
I know. Boring entry. Boston Legal is on and it's pretty funny.....