Winter Chill...
Big Smile!!!!!!!
(2005-02-23, 12:17 a.m.)
Okay.....I have to give a big shout out to Notorious B.I.N.G.O. ..first of all, he was the first person to give me a comment, which I had to delete because it was showing up on all my other posts. :-( Don't worry, I will always remember you as my first here!!!! And he gave me some info on how to find artists info for my songs that are currently artistless! I know, it's not a real word, but do I care? Nope. I will go to bed tonight with a smile on my face, Thanks, B.I.N.G.O.
I was up at the butt crack this morning to take Lu to the vet....that was fun. He did not want to have anything to do with leaving he comfortable home. I have the scratch on my front shoulder to prove it. In fact, when he scratched, I thought he got my tattoo, which would not be cool, but he didn't. I almost thought I was going to have to cancel his appt, but I finally got him wrapped up in my coat and got in the car. Where is a cat carrier, you ask? It's was at the parental units, and Lu is such a good beastie, I really didn't think I was going to have any trouble with it. When he goes in for the snip and clip in a month, I will get the carrier.
I had to go to a very stupid meeting tonight at work. The hospital has decided that they want to be #1 in customer they are creating a campaign to do just that. I should have save the handout they gave us, but it found its way into the trash as I was leaving....hmmm. One of the things they want us to start doing is smiling and being polite. So, as long as I smile I can curse and flip my co-workers off? Sounds like a real winner to me. Oh yeah, at work, we earn vacation time as we work. I hate that system, but whatever. So yesterday, I email my boss with a request for some time off in May. I have 28 hours in my banks, we have two different banks, and I need 4 more to get the whole week off. And I told him that in my email, I just wanted to give him the heads up about the other day and having the time in a couple of weeks. So I get this email back from him telling me that as a full time employee I really should save my time, and that I should try to keep 100 hours in the bank for illness and such. Know something that I don't about my health? He should fucking know by now, that I burn it as soon as I earn it. Let's see...I called in once last year in June, because I had a golf outing to go to, and the year before in August, because of family being home. So I really don't think I need to keep 100 hours in my bank because I might get sick. I'm sick everyday I go there.....
I just put in the crockpot some saurkraut and kielbasa, to cook all night...Yummy with a capital Y. Going to Google some lyrics...