Winter Chill...
Glad to be back here.....
(2005-03-21, 11:37 p.m.)
Back online! I have to say, I was really bummed this weekend, not being able to get my DLand fix. I have a lot of stuff to talk about so here goes.
Kristen was in town thursday and wanted me to go drink some green beer with her, but I didn't get the message until 1am. A lot of good that would do. I ended up going out to her casa on friday for lunch. Let me just say, I love her dearly, but the girl can't find her way around the kitchen. We had grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. Not to hard, or so I thought!! She put my sandwich in the pan just long enough for the butter to melt and then flipped it over. It was on the other side long enough to melt the butter and some of the cheese and then she gave it to me. The center was still cold. But like she said, I'm such a good friend to eat a sandwich like that. Word up sister. So we sat around and bull-shitted until it was time for me to go to work, and she tagged along. Before she left, we made plans to go to the Hanger Party that one of the docs was having. Normally I don't go to those parties, they really are not my scene. But she gave me puppy dog eyes, so I was like, Okay. I got out of work early and got there by 11. I had a hell of a time finding a parking spot, but thankfully I did find one close to the hanger. I go inside, there is a Cajun band playing, lots of people on the make shift dance floor, a table with anything you would want to drink, and snacks galore. I find Kristen and she is on her way to being shit-faced. Oh yeah, and the thing about that girl, when we were having lunch she was drinking some milk and started laughing, and dribbled some on her shirt. She still has the same shirt on at the party. With the dried milk spots. I just shake my head at her. I spot my friend Dan, who is my best friend's brother. He comes up to me with this dumbfounded look on his face, and was like, I thought you weren't coming. Well, you know, puppy dog eyes here, was giving me the guilt trip, so here I am! We're chatting and Mark comes up and is all...Sara....gimme a hug... He was so hammered. I have never seen him that bad. Now, mind you, I'm still talking with Dan, so I turn around and give him a little hug. Well, apparently he was looking for something a little bit more than that. So he starts giving me shit about only giving out half hugs. Okay, you big shit, here's a full hug. Now let me tell you about the hanger, when you walk in the side door, it's pretty spacious. Duh. Obvilously. But at the back, he has a kitchen and bathroom and you can go up some stairs to a balcony/living area with darts, foosball, and air hockey games. Very cool. Kristen and I were walking into the kitchen and Dan was up in the balcony tossing out Mardi Gras beads. No, I didn't have to flash him, he tried to get it over my head while I stood there. After a while, the Cajun band disbanded, and the Dr. M's band set up. Which, Dan is a part of. They were playing away and people were dancing and we were just having a good time. Tracy was there with her girlfriend, which was cool. Kristi is really nice and I'm glad Tracy has her. Normally I don't dance, but Lisa pulled me out on the floor, and we were grooving to "Gin and Juice", and it wasn't Snoop Dogg's version musically. They made it a bit faster than the original. Well, Tracy had made the comment to Kristi that I wouldn't dance. We're out there, and Kristi dancing around and she sees me, and starts screaming and waving her arms in the air, like "holy shit, Sara is really out here dancing!!!" Of course, I had to give it back to her! Annie showed up after she got out of work, and I think she had one glass of ruby relaxer...and it was doing its job! At one point, Kristen and Annie were going around smacking guys on their asses. The party was winding down, so I took off around 1:30 and I still had grocery shopping to do. I'm wandering around the store and I love going late at night, you donh't have all the pain in the asses like you do during the day. I could get down the aisles with ease, get what I needed and go. When I got home and got everything put away, I ran into the puter room to get on DLand, to find out that it had crashed.
I had my interview today. I have to say, it was a bit intimidating to have an interview with 6, yep 6, interviewers. But I was my typical charming, witty self. Either they are going to give me the job or not. What are you strengths, weaknesses, are you a perfectionist, what has been a disappointment for you, why do you want to work here, how would your friends describe you. It took about 15 minutes, and I should hear something by the end of the week.
Lucifer goes in tomorrow for his snip and's going to totally suck not having him here tomorrow night to sleep with. My little cuddle bug. That about covers it for now...the pillows are calling to me... 2-23-05 10.33am Okay...since I seem to be having one fuck of a time trying to update, I figured this would be just as easy. I have to say, I'm really annoyed right now. I realize there was the big server crash this weekend, but everytime since this original one, that I've tried to won't let me. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! It takes forever to load, and then it goes to the "sorry, we are really loaded right now, have to wait and read this, and when you're done reading, try it again".....not happening. Anyway, I dropped Lucifer at the vet yesterday, that was fun trying to get him in the car. I have this really nice scratch on the top of my left hand that is about 2 1/2" long. Pretty. Picked him up this morning and he was just as happy to see me as I was to see him. He's been pretty clingy since we got home. I had to go into work yesterday at the tile shop. Boss lady was ill. An extra three hours is good. I have to go get my plates next week, so those hours will help. $84 dollars, for my plates. What a crock. It used to be just $#81, but now there is some new stupid tax or something. Whatever. I was in a pretty good mood yesterday at work. I was zinging sarcastic comments left and right. Feeling pretty good right now...we'll see how long it lasts.