Winter Chill...
Missing tat magazines.....
(2005-10-12, 10:19 a.m.)
I'm so angry and annoyed right now I could spit nails!!! About 3 weeks ago, the Chad and I were talking about tattoos. I told him I have lots of tat mags, I'd bring some of them in for him to look at. I did, and before he went on vacation, which was last week, he supposedly told the receiving guys that he was done with them, and make sure I got them back. Yesterday, he told me that they were there and to pick them up. What he failed to mention to me was that he told a housekeeper that she could take them home with her. WITHOUT MY FUCKING PERMISSION!!! She claims she brought them back, and the Chad swears to God that he never told her she could take them. So now some of my mags are missing, and no one is taking responsibility for it. I'm fucking livid. I'm pretty careful as to who I loan shit out to, especially my mags, those are my bible, as Tom said. I got the lastest issue, and in the back there is an order form to order mags that you might have missed. The Chad knows that I know what ones are missing, because I have a list of the ones I loaned him. So today when I go in, he's going to get the order form with the ones circles that are missing with the ultimatum of find them or you are buying me new ones. It totally blows my mind how some people can be so careless with other peoples stuff.