Winter Chill...
(2005-11-10, 12:52 p.m.)
Randomness coming your way�

I�m reading a really good book that Jill loaned me. It�s called, Ain�t She Sweet. The author escapes me right now. If I would have brought it to work like I had planned, I could tell you. At any rate, it�s about the most rich and popular girl, Sugar Beth Carey, in Parrish Mississippi and her fall from grace. She leaves home for college, dumps her boyfriend, and all her friends. 15 years later she comes back to claim a painting her aunt left her, because Sugar Beth is broke. Of course, there is the hot villain who bought her old house and torments her now that she is back. Generally I read mystery/suspense, but this is along the lines of the Stephanie Plum series. Not to fluffy, but a good, entertaining read. In fact, I was up until 2:30 last night reading. Even though I had to be at work this morning!! So I�m sitting here, with heavy eyes, wishing I could put my head down.

I�ve put myself on a budget for the last few paychecks of the year. I started last paycheck actually, and it�s rather amazing how well it works. Yes, I know, I�m a putz. Should have been doing it before, and I was, I just wasn�t sticking to it like I should have. I�m the kind of girl who in the past would pay bills, but then just spend what I had left over on shit that I didn�t need. Not anymore. I�m becoming a tightwad with my cash these days. Payday this week will be all bills, and then in two weeks will be mostly for Christmas shopping. Well, and the trip to Detroit for Dave Matthews Band Concert!!

With my great budgeting skills, this weekend, I'm going to go do some clothes shopping. I'm hoping to find a couple more pairs of jeans, and maybe a sweater or two. I could use some new underthings too. But that shit can get real expensive, real fast. So we'll see.

I'm working saturday at the tile shop. My friend Sharon and I are going to Sagnasty for dinner with some friends in the evening. Before we go, we are making a stop at the new bead store that is on the way. It's the grand opening, and 20%off your order. I would like to get some more pearls so I can make a bracelet that I had seen in a magazine.

Christie invited me out saturday after I get home. She is having a sex toy party that night also. Which really bumbs me out, but I talked to her last night, and I'm going to book a party from her. That way I can get some goodies, without having to pay full price. I'm not going to have my party until january though. I have way to much stuff going on for the next 8 weekends.

Also, with my great budgeting skills, I'm going to get some bird and squirrel food for dad. He's been feeding them for the last several years, and this year the just don't have the cash to spare. I probably won't get as much stuff as they had last year, but enough to get them going.

Well, since I didn't get much sleep last night, it's time for the afternoon siesta.... Actually it's not yet. I talked to Eric today. We've been nice to each other since he broke down and called me first. It's amazing how you can fall right back into the same thinking patterns before someone hurts you. The thing that still gets me, is I still really like him. He does shit to piss me off, but at the end of the day, I'm over it. He called looking for a bag of grout, and I made a sarcastic comment about how he was getting on my nerves. He tells me that it's because I love him. One day I love him, the next day I hate him. Which is so fucking true!! After I found what he needed, he told me he loved me. I said, you haven't proved it yet. ARGHHHHHH!!!!