Winter Chill...
Fun weekend!
(2005-12-18, 10:06 p.m.)
Hey all...
My dinner party turned out great! I was a bit disappointed that Annie didn't show up, and I don't even think she ever mentioned it to Mark. Sue told me that Annie told her, that Mark gave Annie the "I just want to be friends" speech, on her birthday no less, so they aren't doing much together anymore.
But I digress...
The really funny thing, I had put in the invitation, bring a gift for a chinese auction, but I'm the only one who remembered a gift! So I got the keep what I bought!
Dinner was awesome, everyone ate until they were stuffed, and them some more! I had made two pans of brownies, and the chocolate mint cheesecake pie, and it was divine!!!! Well worth the pain in the ass it was to make it! I have a piece that I saved for Zeke, but he didn't take it with him might not last until wednesday!
The cousin is home this weekend, and she and her son made it to the party last night. She invited me over to her mom's today to celebrate Christmas with the family. I got presents today too! When Cousin was here over the summer, she was stunned at the sad shape of my cookware, so I got three new frying pans, and a new sauce pan from Cousin and her mom. The shiznit gift came from Storm and Cloud, I got a shiny, sparkly tiara, and matching earrings!

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I took several pics, and this was the one I liked the best. Now, I know Cousin took a pic of me, and she said she was going to post it on her blog, but I really didn't like the pic that much, so I figured I would post one of my own. Sorry Cousin! If you want to link to this page, feel free!
Oh, Zeke went with me to my Aunt's house for dinner, so that was cool, and he had a good time! We took our time coming home, checking out light displays.
Wednesday of last week, Kathy, one of my old department buddies, told me that a couple of the other afternoon girls didn't want to have a afternoon Christmas party. Well, I had already gotten gifts for them, but if they didn't want to do something, I would find good use for their gifts. But I knew Kathy and Peggy had gotten me something, so I wanted to give them the things I had gotten.
After Zeke dropped me off at home, I headed into work around 8, and did Christmas with Kathy and Peggy. They got me some really cool frog socks, and some gold ball and hoop earrings. Oh, and lots of chocolate bars. Which I totally don't need, but oh well.
I have to work monday-thursday at the tile shop, but only monday and tuesday at the hospital. Oh yeah, and I'm leaving work early on tuesday night, it's the season finale of Nip/Tuck, and I don't want to miss it!! Wednesday, Zeke and I are going to Frankenmuth the celebrate his unemployment from the hospital. Thursday is the tile shop's christmas party. And friday we are doing christmas with Bro, SIL and Baby Girl. So another busy week, but it's mostly going to be a fun week!
So that was my weekend and my week ahead. I'm pooped, and it's time to get in the jammies, and go to bed.