Winter Chill...
Getting ready for the party!
(2005-12-17, 2:57 p.m.)
Wow, just had a one year anniversary is coming up on Wednesday. Yikes!!

More good news, I got my secret santa gift very excited about it. I just want to rip into it!

Okay. I took yesterday off to partially get ready for the party, and partially to go to the party at one of our distributors. Jill really didn't want to go to the party, which was fine with me, I had plenty of things to get done. It's a good thing I didn't go, because I would probably be behind and not updating. I got the house cleaned, and that was no small feat! Holy crap, I pretty much moved things from the kitchen to the bedroom!

Tom IM'ed me and told me that he wouldn't be able to bring his meatballs, so I ran to Meijers and grabbed a couple bags of balls, (bags of balls, I crack myself up!!) and made those. Well, there really wasn't much to make, just throw them in a crock pot with some cream of mushroom soup!

So I got the desserts made last night, walnut brownies, and Chocolate Mint Cheesecake Pie. It was supposed to be bars, but when I made it, there was no way it was going to fit into a 8x8 pan. So pie it is! I also got the candy cane name card holders made. Very cute, except when Eli felt the need to grab one and break it. I got the chicken, au gratin potatoes and yams ready today. I still have to cook the green beans, but that won't be to hard. The cheese is cut up for cheese and crackers as a hors d'oerve. I know, I probably spelled that wrong, but who cares. Oh yeah, and I also made two Party Mixes on my iTunes for some music.

Now it's just wait for everyone to get here. So with that, I think I will put my head down for a bit...