Winter Chill...
Secret Santa gift!!
(2005-12-28, 12:52 a.m.)
Hehe...I should have probably done this sooner...
I participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange with some journal friends of my. It was the workings of this devious mind who started it all! And she rocks, so you should all add her to your lists, she is great reading.
So is my fantastic gift that I received in the mail, from Writermom!! And you should all start reading her also! This is such a cool ornament!

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As you can see, it's a red-eyed tree frog, which happens to be my all time favorite frog!! I don't ever recall putting that in an entry, and if I didn't, excellent choice!! Thanks you so much for an awesome addition to my tree!
I still haven't written much about my Christmas holiday. I will do that tomorrow while I'm at work....