Winter Chill...
Short meme from Zilla
(2005-12-30, 12:19 a.m.)
I've been tagged by Zilla!

Ground Rules: The first player of this game posts his or her 5 Weird Habits, then chooses 5 people to tag by listing their names at the end.

1. I have a tendency to stick out my tongue when I�m concentrating deeply about something. Could be crocheting, or working on a inventory count, but the tongue is always out. Not like Gene Simmons hanging out, just the tip.

2. Every time I get off the elevator to go into the OR, I have to tap my fingernails on the top of the garbage can before I can hit the button to go in. I know, it sounds gross, but the lid has a nice metallic ting to it.

3. I have to go in the first bathroom stall, no matter where I�m at. I will wait for the stall to be opened, even if there are others available.

4. I�m like Zilla in the fact that I�m a Peeping Tom. Curtains opened and lights one, I�m looking in your window. Not like right in the yard, with my nose pressed against the window, but as I�m driving by.

5. I�m sure there are others that have this habit, but I have to sit facing the door if I�m at a restaurant. Along those same lines, I always watch the crowd, wondering who could possibly have serial killer tendencies, or who beats his wife, or who looks like they�d be a wildman in bed.

Bonus: I have to have a nightlight in every room of the house. Not because I�m afraid of the dark, but to light my way when I have to go kick some kitty ass in the middle of the night.

BonusII: I have to have a fan going in order for me to fall asleep and get a good nights sleep.

Okay, I don�t normally tag people, but this time, Rik, Anne, Gump, Lori, and who ever else would like to do this one!!