Winter Chill...
Weight loss!!
(2006-01-18, 11:45 p.m.)
A few things...
The hospital sponsors a weight loss program every January. You gather a team of 4-10 people, and keep track of how many days you exercise at least 30 minutes per day, and watch what you eat. You get points for the days of exercise and by meeting your weight loss goals. They only want you to lose 2 pounds a week, for a maximum of 16 lbs for the duration of the program.
Well, I want and need to loss a little bit more than that.
I'm the captain of a team, and today we had our first weigh in, since the intial weigh in last wednesday.
I lost 4 pounds! I'm very excited and proud of that! Those first few pounds are the hardest for me. Now that I know I can do it, it will be smoother waters. It will definitely motivate me to keep exercising every day, and be more careful of what foods I eat. At the bottom of my page, I have added a Weight Tracker, to let everyone know of my progress! Words of encouragement are requested!! I have my favorite pair of jeans hanging in my living room, and my favorite pair of shorts in the bedroom as motivators!
Things are shaping up for my party! I got most of the rest of the food today, I just need to peel and cut the cukes up, and get the dip made. Then friday night I will make up the enchilada meatballs and probably get every thing ready for the chicken poppers, and then cook those on saturday. Other than that stuff, and clean the house, I'm ready!
Rik had asked me in my comments if I like cold or warm weather best.
Definitely warm. Actually, if I controlled the weather, it would be sunny and 82 with no humidity during the day, and hitting 68 in the evenings. But obviously, I don't control the weather, so it pretty much means squat! Rik also had a good meme the other day about last 5 jobs you've had, I will be doing that this weekend.
It's been a pretty long two weeks, with working so much. The paychecks are good, but the lack of sleep is not. So I'm off the slumber, and hopefully have some good dreams. I had one the other night, it was late at night, I had just turned out the lights, getting ready for bed. I heard someone pounding on my door. I was instantly afraid, and I knew it was a man who wanted to attack me. So I tried to be as quiet as possible, it was summer time and my windows were open. Then he moved to my other door and started pounding on that one. I was freaking the hell out! Then he just walked away, but like the dumbass that I am, I went outside, and started yelling, saying that man was trying to attack me. He's walking away from me, looking at me like I'm a nutjob! Then a nice little old lady that lived next door comes out wondering what the noise was about. Me, honey, it's all about me...then I woke up, but I was still feeling like someone was after me.
Interpret that one...