Winter Chill...
Parties and football...
(2006-01-22, 9:33 p.m.)
Well....the party went great! But I'm getting a bit ahead of myself.

Oh, and if I may say, Carolina might as well just lay it down and give Seattle the game, the way they are playing.
Sorry about that...

I took friday off from the hospital, I knew I was going to have a lot to get done. I ended up staying at the tile shop an extra hour, we were very busy! Then I had errands galore to run, so I didn't get home until 5:30 to start cleaning the house. Mind you, the main part of the house wasn't to bad, but the front bedroom needed a lot of help. I cleaned and cleaned, finally stopping around 8 for dinner.

Oh, and during this time, it started to snow. A lot. We were in the middle range of the snow storm, possibly getting 6-10 inches over night. When I finally got the house the way I wanted it, it was after 11, and I thought I would go and shovel the driveway. My thoughts were, I would rather go out tonight and do it, and then on sunday, not have as much to shovel.
So I'm out there shoveling, and it's kind of a heavier snow. I'm pushing the shovel, and all of a sudden, the damn thing bends. And it's the shaft of the shovel. Nice. Thankfully I was almost done, so it wasn't bad.
Getting up yesterday morning, I went out first thing to work on the driveway. I got about half way done, and the shovel broke for good. The bad thing was, I still hadn't gotten to the end of the driveway. They had plowed early in the morning, so I had a nice big ass pile of extra snow down there. Basically it didn't help me shoveling last night. It took me an hour and half to shovel the driveway, when normally it's a 20 minute job. And most of the time I was bent over like a 83 year old woman.

On to the party preparations. I had cut up the veggies last weekend, so that wasn't an issue. I still had to make the chicken poppers, and enchilada meatballs. The directions for the chicken said it was a 15 minute prep time, WRONG! More like 45! The meatballs were a piece of cake compared to the chicken. Then it was time to cut up the cheese. Hahaha, I crack myself up! That took all of 15 minutes, so I was done until it was time to cook everything.
Took a shower and an hour nap. Which felt really good!
When the party started, I had 11 guests, plus myself and Ann, the consultant. The living room was fairly packed! She started the evening off with the lotions and potions, took a snack break, and then got to the good stuff! We had fun and it was very entertaining! Thankfully, everyone was gone by 10:30, and I was in bed by 11:30! I was exhausted!

I was hoping to sleep in, but the cats wouldn't have any of that. Zeke came over this afternoon adn we had some errands to run, and then we went to my friends house for a belated Christmas. The bad thing, they have dogs, so I couldn't stay for very long. We went to Bennigans for dinner, and came back to get ready to watch the Seattle/Carolina game. Which they lost by the way. Assmonkeys.

Grey's Anatomy is on right now, going to go finish watching that, then it's off to bed!