Winter Chill...
new appointment
(2006-05-10, 8:02 a.m.)
I called the doctors office yesterday, they could have gotten me in to see him in the afternoon, but since we are celebrating dad's bday on thursday, I have to wait until next Tuesday afternoon!
Keep your fingers crossed that by in a week, I will be back on my old shift!
I'm having major issues with my puter right now, I really need to get it fixed. I'm hoping that by leaving it on all day, it won't puke out on me! As far as work, it's just that everyone is driving me nuts there. Little cliques here whispering, someone's feelings getting hurt because they aren't in the little clique! Who gives a shit, you don't want to be like those people anyway!
Mom and dad went mushroom hunting yesterday, and she picked me a bunch of lilacs, my favorite flower! Unfortunately, I have to keep them on my porch, or the cats will get into them and eat them, and knock them over. The scent still comes into the house!
I'm off to get ready for work.... :-(