Winter Chill...
letter to tony
(2006-05-24, 12:03 a.m.)
I sent Tony a letter yesterday.
He got it today.
Then he called me after reading the letter.
I called him tonight when I got home from work.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Have I forgotten what a jerk he ended up being?


Have I forgotten that he lied to me?


I just miss talking to him. I think that if we are going to start talking again, there has to be some rules set, and the biggest of them all, is we are just going to be friends. Things were great between us before all the "relationship" talk started. Once that happened, disaster struck. Then I start to think, "well, am I really missing him, or is it just not having a male companion to do things with?" And he lives a couple hours away, so it's not like we could go out to dinner at night. Or hang out after work and watch a movie.

Who the hell knows what's going on inside my head.
Not me, that's obvious.