Winter Chill...
Damn hornet
(2006-05-22, 11:51 p.m.)
Yesterday after getting home from the little party I was at, I decided to put some drapes on my flowers. There was a chance for frost last night, and I was not going to let my newly planted flowers get all frosty. Well, I have three butterfly bushes, and two of them are quite large. I'm bent over trying to get the drape around the bush, and it looks like I'm being enveloped by it. I get it set, and come in the house, and I wanted to clean the litter boxes, so I proceed to put my hair up, and all of the sudden I feel a sharp bite/sting on my right middle finger. I start cussing up a storm, as I bend over and start shaking my hair out, thinking maybe I got a spider caught in it while I was in the bush.
Nothing is coming out onto the floor, so I decide that I'm going to wash my hair, even though I had done it in the morning. But I didn't want to get into the shower, I was freaking out about having a creepy crawly on me. So there I go, bending over, again, washing my hair in the shower. I'm lathering away, and I feel something on the side of my left thigh, so I brush at it, thinking it's one of the cats...
And it's a damn ground hornet!! That's what stung me! The second one in two weeks. Needless to say, as it was in the bottom of the shower, I took the shower head and sprayed the crap right out of it, telling it to die!
This morning when I look in the shower, it's still there, so I was pretty sure it was dead.
I got home tonight from work, and I'm sitting on the toilet, I look over to my window...
and there sitting on the handle, is the damn hornet!
Scared the crap right out of me! I was thinking to myself, "Where did that one come from, how did it get into the house?" I looked through the glass of the door, and I couldn't tell if it was still in there or not. I opened up the door, and it was gone!
Holy crap! Some how it was able to climb/fly up over the door, and landed on the window sill. And then just sat there until I scooped it up in a toilet paper roll, and flushed it down the toilet!
I hate bees, wasps, hornets...anything like that. I know they have their place in the world, but please try to stay out of my neck of woods.
I'm very happy to be back on my shift! The girls had a welcome back cake for me at break time, it was nice. I'm pretty tired, and I have physical therapy in the morning, the to the tile shop for a few hours. My knee hurts tonight, but not where you would think it would. It hurts the worst on the front of the knee, especially when you touch one of my scars. I will have my therapist look at it tomorrow, and she what she said!
Later for now...