Winter Chill...
Annoying People...What?
(2006-05-31, 12:04 a.m.)
Today was a day that pretty much everything annoyed the crap out of me. There was the Michael issue from last week that sort of got resolved. He claimed that they talked about the grout color, and she wanted to go with the darker color. Regardless, she's not happy. So we are going to try the grout colorant. But I think that since Michael messed it up, he should be the one to go and fix it. Michael called up another installer, and asked him if he wanted to go take care if it. Why should the tile shop pay out the nose to have someone else fix Michael's fuck up? I don't think so. But it's not my business, so why should I really give a crap?
Tony never called me back last week like he said he was going to. So I'm done. I extended the hand in friendship, and he shat on it, so bite me asswipe.
Eric has been really short with me lately. He was pissed about the job last week, which I understand, but don't get on my because you didn't know what the design was supposed to be. Which in talking to Michael about it, Michael said that Eric knew the job was supposed to be on the diagonal. Whatever. I got the extra boxes for him, which came in today, so he can still get the job done this week.
Bro and SIL have really torked my gears too. Mom invited them over for a bbq yesterday. Even though Bro had to work until 6, SIL and the kids could have come over before, and he could have stopped over afterwards. As par for the course, she doesn't show up. She always says that she can't get both kids ready and get them loaded up to come over to mom and dad's. But she sure as shit can do it when her family wants her to come over. And my Bro is such a pussy when it comes to standing his ground when his family is concerned. It's going to get worse once they sell their house, and start building the new one, it's out closer to her family. Which mom already knows they aren't going to see the kids that much after that happens.'s after midnight...let's see if I can make tomorrow morning the 8th day in a row to wake up at 5am!!
Sorry I'm so crabby...somedays it just doesn't pay to get up....