Winter Chill...
The ballad of Jen...
(2006-06-30, 11:09 p.m.)
Thanks to all who voted for my header...I liked the first one the best also!

Talked with Jen today, and it wasn't good. Fred told her last night that it was over, and he wanted a divorce. So she gets the kids out of bed, and goes to the marina to talk to him some more. She discovers that local two-bit flousy Danielle there, and in his bed.
Dirty whore. He said he wasn't leaving Jen for her, but what the hell is she doing in your bed?
After Jen and I talked, he called her, and wanted to talk. Apparently things weren't what they appeared like last night. She was staying on the boat, with her husbands' blessing, because she'd been drinking too much. And according to what he told Jen, that's the only time she's stayed on the boat, when she's too drunk to drive home. Fred said he is really confused, and doesn't know what he wants, but he made sure to tell Jen that he had never slept with Danielle, but the he has wanted to on occasion. The cynical bitch in me thinks he probably has done something with her, just not full sex. Jen says she knows when he is lying to her, and she knows he's not lying about that, so what can I say about it? Nothing, just keep my mouth shut. She also has taken some responsibility for some things in their marriage. She wasn't putting Fred first, she would put the kids, which he was okay with that, but then the job, or gardening, or reading a book would come before him. He said that all he wanted was for her to pay some attention to him. He broke down and cried a couple times while they were talking, which is the first time he's ever done that.
So right now, they are tettering on a narrow ledge...
He wants to spend some time with her, just the two of them, to see if this can get worked out. I sincerely hope they can, I know that's all Jen wants is to try.
Jen and the boys are coming over in the morning, and we are going to the Farmers Market, I need more tomatoes! Then we are going to head to Bay City and go to Gypsies, they are having a H@rry P0tter festival.
Monday Traci and I are planning on going to the Bay City fireworks. They have a three day celebration, and Monday will be the grand finale. It's a 45-50 minute show. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain!
If anyone knows of a web site that lists the top one hundred songs per year, let me know. I have a song in my head, again, and I'm trying to figure out who sings it, and what the name of it is. I know it's an 80's song, and I sort of have the melody in my head, but other than that, I'm at a lose.
Have a safe and fun Fourth of July everyone!!