Winter Chill...
Serene day in the woods..
(2006-09-23, 7:25 p.m.)
Hey all!
My semi-plans for the day got mixed up, so I ended up over at Tom's. But I'm getting a head of myself. I knew was supposed to go to a Fall Equinox celebration today, but it was cancelled because someone was ill. So after I got home from work, which I only had two customers, and one phone call, I got online. I sent him an IM hoping he was invisible, and he was. We were chatting, and I asked him if he wanted to go to Gypsies, and right after I sent that to him, he was, "OMG! I was just going to ask you if you wanted to go there!"
So I road-assed it over to his place. The thing I love about living where I do, there were people with roadside stands of veggies and fruit, and it's self serve. They trust that the people who stop by will pay for what they take. How cool is that?
So anyway, I get to Tom's house, and it looked like a college party was held there the night before! It was pretty funny. We head over to Gypsies, and wander around. I needed a new labradorite stone, since someone misplaced my last one. I also nabbed a lepidolite, and bloodstone. I was looking at their essential oils, they had one there a while ago called Triple Goddess, and I love it. I've asked that they bring in some more, but they never have it. So I went to the company's website, and I can order it from there. And I will, but today I bought a bottle of Frangipani. It's very sweet smelling, and supposed to aid in hospitality and love. I'm pretty well set on being's just the love part I'm having issues with!
After that we went to the marina and hooked up with his friend James, and then we went to dinner. After that, James had to go back to work, so Tom and I went for a walk in the woods. It was amazing. It used to be where an old power plant was, but story goes, it blow up, and hardly anything is left of it. So we wandered around for a while, and then finally we came up to a open area on the river, and it was gorgeous. We stood there for a while, just taking in the awesomeness that is nature. While we were there, there were so many flies skimming the surface, that the fish were jumping out of the water to get them. We saw two cranes floating above the surface, and gently land in the reeds. Off in the distance, I saw something rather large coming out of the trees. I pointed it out to Tom, and we have no clue what kind of bird it was, but it was the most amazing thing to watch it fish. It would breeze along the surface, and then come up and make a graceful turn and swoop down and try to get a fish. We watched it for 5 minutes, and it finally caught something and headed back into the trees. It looked to be to big to be a hawk, and he was throwing around maybe a owl, but I thought most owls came out at night. Might need to do some investigating!
After that, we continued on our way back to the car. It was awesome. He is going to come to my place in a couple of weeks, and we are going to do some exploring at a nature center here. I will remember to take my camera next time!
So now I'm home, tired out from the walk, and listening to the rain pitter patter on my skylight. Surprisingly, all the cats are being good, but I'm sure that will change if I get out my crocheting!
Oh, so about my original plans. Chris was supposed to be coming up today, but when I called him to let him know I was going to see Tom, things had changed on his end. He's been on vacation the last week, and his mom has been over there helping out with decorating it. He bought a china cabinet, and was having issues with putting it together. Like five hours worth of issues! So he didn't make it home, hence, my trip to see Tom!
Well, the State vs. Notre Dame game is on, MSU is already up, so I will be off to watch that!