Winter Chill...
Spastic Butt Crack
(2006-09-29, 6:23 a.m.)
Good morning all!
My morning has started out early, I have the boys. I'm thankful though, because once I drop them off to school, I can come back home and rest. I was up late again last night, so I'm pretty tired. Smed got me "The Song" so I was busy jamming and dancing to it longer than I should have been!
I have to run over to Chris' parents house though, Chris sent a box of Frito-Lay chips home for me. His mom was there last week helping out with the house. I told him a while ago to get me all the Salsa Verde Doritos he could. The bad thing, once they are gone, they are gone! So I'm going to have to pace myself when it comes to snacking on them.
Damn, it's cold. 33 degrees outside is not fun. I love the autumn season, but not the colder weather.
We had a very serious case come into the hospital yesterday. Something I had never seen before. It's a pretty complicated diagnosis, but I will try to explain in for you.
Spastic Butt Crack.
I know, it was very scary. If you ever find yourself with it, get help right away! Because, from that, who knows where it will end.
I have to watch Baby Girl tomorrow. Bro stopped at the tile shop yesterday, and wanted to know if I was free. I was actually supposed to work, but Mike traded with me. So it's going to be a long day tomorrow. Then on Sunday, Tom is supposed to come over and hang out for a while. So it sounds like it's going to be a quiet weekend. But that means I will be working 3 out of 4 Saturdays in October at the tile shop. Which is okay, that just means I will have some extra cash after I get my laptop. The last Saturday I have a Halloween party to go to. I'm making my enchilada meatballs for it. Now I need to figure out a costume.
It's about time to get the boys rallied to go to school.
Later gators...