Winter Chill...
Feeling icky..
(2006-09-30, 8:04 a.m.)
I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. I think it's becuase I live such a wild and crazy lifestyle, it's finally caught up to me and is now in the process of kicking my ass. It's not really bad, just very tired, and I have a hella sore throat. I'm not big on taking OTC meds, but it looks like I might have to break down and do something. Unfortunately, my budget doesn't allow for going to the walk in clinic for some really good drugs. It's not a cold, it's my sinuses draining down my throat, so I'm not going to give my cooties to anyone. But having to spend all day with Baby Girl is going to be rather tough.
Please pray for me that she takes a really good nap this afternoon!!
I need to be off and check the lottery numbers for last nights mega millions. Myself and three other girls at work have started our own lottery club. I'd be happy with a little chunk of change...just enough to be able to quit working... Hey! I just checked the numbers...we won 7 bucks!! We are on our way to finacial freedom!! Later Peeps...