Winter Chill...
$54 Dollars for lipstick??
(2006-10-09, 12:51 p.m.)
I just spent $54 dollars on lipstick.
What the hell is wrong with me?

I have got to stop this damn spending spree.

I do have to admit though, it's the best stuff on the market. You paint the color on your lips, and then put the gloss over it. It's guaranteed not to come off! And it doesn't, I've used it before. You can't just buy it a a drugstore either, Jill is a consultant, so I get it from her! I got two different colors, Raisin and Sugar Plum. You put three coats of the color on your lips, so you can play around with how you do it. I have one layer of the Raisin and two of the Sugar Plum and it looks divine on me! Jill said I look gorgeous, especially with my new look!

It's pretty tough being HOT...but I think I'm handling it pretty well!! ;-)

Oh..I had two more guys contact me last night from MySpace! Freaking wild man!

Tom and I went and checked out that house yesterday, I'm going back Saturday to get pics, and I will post and tell you about it then!