Winter Chill...
The first conversation with the Curator!!
(2007-01-10, 1:15 a.m.)
I just spent the last 46:33 minutes on the phone with the Curator! I was on the phone with Tom, and I heard the ding of someone ringing in. I looked and it was his number. I freaked out and told Tom I needed to go, he was on the phone. He's got a nice voice, not deep like Sam Elliot...more like George Clooney deep. Sara lurves deep voices on guys. He won't find out about the new job until next Wednesday, and he's majorly stressed out about it. He lives in an old farm house...Sara lurves old farm houses too!! Sadly his cat has decided to go on a walk-about and he hasn't seen him in over 2 weeks. He doesn't go to the bars that often, nor does he drink that often either. Yes, he'll have a beer with dinner or something, but it's not an everyday occurance for him. He has allergies as bad as I fact, we both take the same inhaler! He has 4 guitars, 1 of them being bass, and his own set of drums. And he has a recording studio in one of the rooms of his big old farm house! I told him I played guitar, and he perked up and said, "You do?" I replied, "Yes, the air guitar" He thought that was pretty funny. He mentioned that he's got some stuff that he could send me, that he didn't think I would be offended about. I told him that, I'm pretty mellow and laid back, and that I don't think there's anything that he could say to me that would offend me. He was intrigued over that. He is Buddhist, which I told him I've always been interested in learning more about it. He was raised Lutheran, which I what I was raised. He normally stays up until between 1-2, like me! He was getting sleepy though, so I thanked him for calling, and I really enjoyed talking with him. He said ditto, so I told him that he knows when the best time to get a hold of me is, and to feel free to call again anytime, and he said he would.
Thank goodness the phone didn't die while we were talking!
I was going to work on getting my music transferred tonight, since I didn't get it done last night. But I know it's not going to happen tonight now either! I don't have to work at the tile shop tomorrow, so I will be doing that in the morning!
And with that, I'm off to slumber!!