Winter Chill...
More hodgey podgey
(2007-01-23, 9:17 a.m.)
I'm a total slacker today. My big plan to get up and be at the laundry mat so I could wash my comforter, has been shot in the ass. But I was out the door to get my oil changed today by 8am, so I'm not that bad. Besides, I don't want to over exert myself, I need to pace things out.
So..since I'm off from the tile shop tomorrow morning also, that would be a good day to do the comforter thing. back to the car. They said that I have oil leak somewhere, I was down about a half a quart. I don't recall seeing any oil stains under the car, so I just think they are smoking the crack pipe. But I will keep an eye on it, just to be safe.
I never heard from the Curator last night, so I'm just putting that on the back burner. If he calls again, great, but I'm not holding my breath.
And people wonder why I would rather be single.
This is a totally off the wall segue...but just go with it. I was having a conversation with my friend Sharon Friday night. She has two children, her son is married, and her daughter is single. She wants a grandbaby really really bad. Now son and wife are going through med school, so the chances of a baby from them is pretty low. Daughter is in law school, so again, low probability of a baby from her.
So Sharon has come up with this great idea that I get knocked up and give her a grandbaby. :-O But the kicker is, she only wants to be able to spoil it from birth to 9 months, and then from 2-4...after that, it's my responsiblity. We were laughing so hard while having this conversation, because we know it's not going to happen with me! I guess it was one of those converstions you should have been there to hear realize how crazy awesome it was! She's so funny. She drives my nuts sometimes...but I love her anyways!
I have more work stories...but those are going to have to wait...I've got some housecleaning to do...