Winter Chill...
Tidbits of knowledge.....
(2007-03-08, 11:37 p.m.)
I received an email from the Curator Tuesday. He wanted to know if I was still alive. Well, yes I am. Apparently all hell broke loose, that's why I haven't heard from him. Which means diddly to me. Again, you could have said something to me about it before.
Anyway, I sent him a note back, and just got a response today. And that just torques my gears, I politely asked what happened, and you don't even answer the question. GRRRR!
I'm also talking to a guy that I meet on MySpace. He seems very nice, but frankly, I just don't know if I even want to deal with a man right now. Some of the stunts I've been witness to lately, just makes me cringe at the thought of getting to know another one.
I mean...tonight, I signed on to messenger, and I had this waiting for me..."I wish I didn't miss you tonight."
Dude, we've only been talking for a couple of night. Annie says I have a beacon on my head that attracts the WhackJobs.
I think she's right. I mean, he seems nice and very sincere, but don't lay it on so thick.
I know I haven't mentioned much of what's going on down at the tile shop. Long story short, she thinks someone is embezzling from her. I'm not going to mention names, just because she has no way to prove it yet. Let me tell you a little story about something that happened today. I had a couple of invoices from a distrubutor that needed to get billed to the contractor that bought the items. Yesterday, Jill didn't unlock the Quickbooks program, so I couldn't do it. But I put the invoices on top of my desk, knowing I would do it today. When I got to work today, the pile was gone. I called Jill and asked her about it, and she said that she had not filed them away. I looked in the paid file cabinet, and sure enough, the invoices were put away in there. So...if Jill didn't file them, nor I, that leaves only one person who did file them, the person who is to get the invoices.
This bothers me. I have to act like I don't know what the hell is going on. That makes me very uncomfortable, especially being the only other person there working with this contractor this week. I mean, when I bill him tomorrow for the stuff, he's going to get pissed. I could tell he got pissed when he saw that I had called the distributor and asked for the missing invoices. Which we think he through out.
So this is why I might be going back to the tile shop full time, but now I'm having second thoughts. Especially if I had to deal with jackasses like the guy today. Which is a whole nother entry.
I need to hit the sack, I have a full day tomorrow!
Smash, I realize this probably doesn't have as much profane terms, blood filled gore, and puke spattered violence as you like, but it's a start, right?