Winter Chill...
Tattoo shop interview tomorrow!
(2007-04-11, 11:38 p.m.)
I go see the guys at the tattoo place tomorrow after working at the tile shop. Part of me is just saying, "Fuck it, quit the hospital and go there." I was conversing with a dear friend today about it, and he said that what would make me happy would to be at the tile shop in the mornings, and then do the tattoo place the rest of the day. And he is completely right. But there is the part of me that says I need insurance, and I'm pretty positive that is not offered at the tattoo place. Then, I was thinking, if the pay is good enough, how much would it cost me to go get insurance on my own? I could understand, if there was a family involved, it might be a lot of cash. But for little old me? And yet, part of me feels a bit guilty if I tell Jill I can only work two days a week, because I'm taking on this other job. She has been so good to me, in the 10+ years I've worked for her. And you know how much I love working there too.
Ah...I think I need to go and throw some tarot cards around and see what they say!