Winter Chill...
Hairy ape of a doctor
(2007-04-18, 11:43 p.m.)
I found out who it was the turned me in. It was one of the doctors. He was pissed at the ER because they dicked around with his patient, and didn't do this and didn't do that. Which made his case start after 11 that night. So because he was pissed at them, the fuckstick takes it out on me. Needless to say, I won't ever be going to that hairy ape for anything. I don't care if I have a roid the size of a freaking softball on my ass either.
It still doesn't change the fact that I have to get out of there. Mom's big discussion with me today was all about, making sure that where ever I go, I have benefits.She kept saying to me today, "don't do anything stupid until you have something else with benefits." Fuck the bennys mom. I'm not going to need the damn things if I freaking stroke out and die.
I was on the phone with Chris last night, and we had a nice talk about a lot of things. And I'm so damn tired I totally forgot where I was going with that.
I have the boys in the morning, so I need to get to bed! Thanks for all your love you guys! It means a lot to me to have you in my cyber life!!