Winter Chill...
First day in GR
(2007-05-29, 10:46 a.m.)
When Chris and I talked Friday night, it was decided that he would be over to my place around 9:30 to get me. Knowing him, it was going to be more like 10, and in fact, it was 10:15 when he got to my place. I had to make a pit stop at Wally World for a couple of things so off we went. Sadly, what I wanted, they didn�t have, so we made a quick side trip to Best Buy. I was able to find a 1G xD picture card on sale for 25 bucks, so I snagged that! Then it was down to the store to see Macy, and then the Farmers Market. We were on the road by noon and it was a pretty un-eventful trip. Lots of talking and checking out the scenery. His sister�s house is on the way there, so a stop was made to drop off birthday gifts for his nephew. That took an half an hour, and as we were leaving, Chris tells me he needs to make a stop off at GFS and Meijer to get BBQ stuff. Now mind you, the football game starts at 7 and it�s now 4:15. And we aren�t even in GR yet. But okay, I�m not driving, you do what you need to do. After the stops, we make it home by 5:15. Cool, that give me 45 minutes to get ready. I get dressed, and go to touch up my make-up, and notice a freaking hole in my brand spanking new shirt.
Aw crap!
It wouldn�t be so bad, but it was right under the left breastage. Totally noticeable. The part of the shirt that had the hole in it, was were the crocheted section connected to the fabric. I ask Chris for a needle and thread, and he looks at me like a deer in the headlights. What the hell is that? Thank goodness I�m a crafty sort of girl. My shirt had two pieces of fabric in the back, that you would tie. I didn�t like those, so I cut them off. Then I proceeded to rip the seam of one with a pair of scissors. That was tricky, trying not to cut the thread with the scissors. I finally got a long enough piece to where I could thread it through the crocheted part, and the hem of the fabric.
I rock! It wasn�t the greatest patch job, but it did the trick!
We made it to the game and man�it was freaking awesome! If you aren�t familiar with Arena Football, here is an explanation of what it�s about. The Rampage scored a touch down in the first 5 second of the game! Oh, and that�s another thing about Van Andel Arena, there isn�t a bad seat in the whole place. We were up on the second level, middle of the field, and you could see things just fine. I was a bit disappointed , most of my picks didn�t turn out the best. I think if we would have been on the main floor, they would have been better. There were 4 different lead changes, and the Rampage had the ball the last 30 seconds of the game. The score was 55-56, Colorado leading. Salisbury, the QB, ran a couple of plays, and got closer to the end zone. With 5 seconds left, he threw the ball in the stands, which brought the clock down to 3 seconds, but he got a penalty for throwing while still in the box. That backed them up another 5 yards for the field goal attempt. And Gowins, the kicker made it!
Man, I�m telling you, that was a bit better than a professional game. These guys weren�t afraid to hit or get hit. I highly recommend a game, if you have a team that lives nearby. Hell, I�d make another three hour drive to see them play again.
After that, we headed over to The BOB for dinner. We went to Bobarino�s for pizza, and oh sweet jebus. That is the kind of pizza I like. The little guy pizza place, not some massive chain that tastes the same. We had the meat pizza with ham, pepperoni, and sausage, plus I had them add mushrooms. After we ate, Chris took me around and showed me the place. There is a really cool bar in there called Crush and it was more of a younger vibe. He took me downstairs and they have a VIP area, with booths roped off. It was pretty dark down there, but with a lot of candle light, big, overstuffed leather chairs and sofas. Very schwanky. We went back upstairs, and I had a Dirty Martini, and wow�it was yummy! We headed home around 12:30, we were both pretty tired. He wanted to play his new video game that he got, but I went to bed. I was really looking forward to sleeping, the last time I didn�t have back issues on that bed. Saturday night was not the case. Let�s say, when I woke Sunday, I could hardly move.
That�s it for Saturday fun! I�ll continue with Sunday and Monday over the next two days!