Winter Chill...
Wedding stuff and more!
(2007-06-08, 11:22 p.m.)
I had lunch today with Cousin and Fiancee, and we did alot of wedding talk!
Hahaha, I just realized I left my pager on me. Most people wear it on their hip, but not me. I wear mine on my bra strap. And, I have it on vibrate, when I get paged. It's always funny to see the look on peoples faces who don't know where I have it, when it goes off. The look at me like I have a robotic boob or something.
Anyways, sorry for the tangent. We didn't really get anything decided, just ideas thrown around. She's going to go dress shopping starting in September/October, and she wants me to go with her, which of course I will do!
Tomorrow's plans are as follows: Wally World for kitty litter, Farmer's Market, cat food store, come home and cut the grass. Hopefully by then it will be 10 so I can go get my nails done, and be back and lounging in the sun by 11. That's going to take a few hours, then it will be naptime. After that, shower and get ready to go out to the Pub to celebrate Betsy's bday. Doris is not going with me, so I can come home when I want to, and not have to stay out if she wants to. Sunday I will be doing nothing by worshipping RA.
I'm calling Eric some time tomorrow to see if he wants to go with me on the tubing trip. Keep your fingers crossed.
And I'm off to slumber...