Winter Chill...
Day two of funeral fun and Eric!
(2007-06-06, 11:33 p.m.)
I went to the funeral home today before coming to work, just to hang and catch up some more with Darci. It was nice, we where having a good time, she was filling me in on all the family dirt, and it was getting really good, and one of her cousins came and sat next to us.
Dang it!
When it was time for me to go, she walked me out to my car, we hugged for a long time and we both started crying again! I told her if she needed some away time tonight, to call me and I'd meet her somewhere. Her uncle is being a prick, and wanted to start dividing up Grannie's stuff tonight.
Yes, tonight. The woman hadn't even been in the ground 4 hours, and all you can think about is how much stuff/money you are going to get. Like Darci said, after today, they never have to see or deal with him and his two out of three crazy kids. His eldest daughter, has lost custody of her first two kids, and she's preggers with #3 due in December! And, this one is with a different daddy than the other two, and he has a 17, 14 and 7 year old!
And she's going to be 22 or 23 this year!
Anyway...Darc didn't call me, and she leave to go back tomorrow. I'm hoping that we can at least keep in contact, so I'll have to get her email addy from her brother.
Why is that as soon as I clean the kitty litter, someone has to go and take a poo in it. Oy, crazy beasties!
So, I kind of did a crazy thing today, and asked Eric to go on the tubing trip with me. I don't really know what happened, we were talking, and I just kind of blurted/asked him if he wanted to go tubing with me. He said that he has something going on some weekend, and he wasn't sure what weekend it was. But he would let me know when he found out, and get back to me about going.
So if you all could be so kind as to say a little prayer along the lines of, Please let Eric have the 24th of June free, and he goes tubing with Sara, and discovers (even more so that what he already knows) that she's a totally cool rockin' chick, and he falls in love with her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her, so he marries her and they have 2.5 children, a cat (or 14) and a dog, and live in a two story yellow house with a wrap around porch and a white picket fence with pool in the back yard...
oh..well, I guess I got a little carried away could omit the part of 2.5 kids! ;-)
You get the idea! And with that, I'm off to bed!
Night peeps!