Winter Chill...
Tattoo and other stuff
(2007-06-18, 11:32 p.m.)
It's 11:30 at night, and it's still 81 degrees outside. This sucks. Thank goodness I will have a fully functioning AC this weekend. Next week it's supposed to be in the 90's again at the beginning of the week.
Jill has a ton of paperwork for me to do tomorrow, so I don't think I will be updating. And tomorrow night when I get home, I want to get a decent nights sleep, since we will be on the road between 7:30-7:45 to get to the golf outing on Wednesday. At least the weather is supposed to only be in the mid 80's on Wednesday.
Once I leave work tomorrow, I have to hit the tattoo shop and talk to Jon about my tat again. Oh...I guess I forgot to mention it here. I went on Saturday and talked to him about my Medusa tat. Jon is going to do it for me for $250-300 dollars, and normally it would run around $400-500 dollars. I'll be in the chair for 4-5 hours, which is going to be a Ow! kind of day. I'm not going to get it done until the fall, I'm out in the sun so much during the summer, I wouldn't want to ruin it. And for the background, I want it to be done in greys, and have it look like her lair, and have it look like she just killed someone.
Yes, morbid, but I don't care!
Then, from there, I have to hit Barnes, the new Janet Evanovich comes out Tuesday, and I must have it! I might start reading it on the way down to Heartland.
Jill asked me if I would decorate her son's bday cake next week for her. Get this, the kid is getting some sort of Dance Dance Revolution set up, that cost $800 dollars.
Yes, you read that right. $800 dollars.
So the theme of the cake is DDR. I told her I would, but it would depend on when she needed it by. This weekend is booked with making Jello Shots Saturday for the tubing trip Sunday.
Okay..I'm really sleepy right now...