Winter Chill...
An odd assortment of crap from my brain
(2007-06-28, 11:37 p.m.)
Do you know what one of the benefits of having a gas stove is?
Anytime I want a smore, I can make one pronto. I don't have to sit outside in front of a fire. Although I wouldn't mind doing that.
The work situation turned out to be okay. Still some pain in the ass issues, but it's something I can deal with. For how long, it's hard to say.
I am off tomorrow from the tile shop, and I need to get up early and go get some groceries. I have less than a cup of laundry soap, and thankfully it's on sale this week. So in between loads of laundry, I want to be outside in the sun. It's supposed to be prime weather for worshipping, and you can bet your sweet ass I'm going to take full advantage of it! last night, I was chatting with Traci and Scott. We were doing one of those voice chats on Yahoo. After we got the mics working properly, the second thing out of his mouth was, that my picture was sexy. I just don't know how to take compliments well. I automatically think a guy is up to something when they tell me something like that. And nine times out of 10, that is the case. Maybe I need to be less leary of shit like that, but it's difficult when you've been screwed over.
I started reading a new book tonight at work. Doesn't it look good? I was talking with Stacy, one of the attendants, and I was extolling the greatness that is Stephen King, so I think I'm going to loan her a couple of my books. She doesn't like the ones with small writing, so thankfully I have some hardcovers of his stuff.
So with that, I'm off to read until I fall asleep, which won't take long!