Winter Chill...
Love, what is it?
(2007-06-29, 11:23 p.m.)
Okay...Maybe I'm over-reacting...but I got home tonight, and there was a messenger message from Scott.
Most of it was irrelevant chitchat, but at the end, he tells me, " Love ya bunches. Hugs and Kisses all that mushy stuff and anything else you can think of."
Why would you tell someone that you've never met in person, and have only been talking with for a week, that you love them? Granted, I know it's not the butterflies in the stomach, weak knees kind of love, but still. And since I don't really know what happened to him yet, to make him a quad, he might not be running on full speed.
I guess maybe it's just because I don't throw the love word around casually. If I tell you I love you, there's a reason why, whether it's the weak knees and butterflies kind of love or not.
I've been reading that book that I linked yesterday, most of the day today. Even at work, on my downtime, I was reading. It is so good!! I highly recommend it. I might go to Barnes tomorrow and see about getting a few more by this author. I think I have about 50 more pages to go, and I'll be done with it, so that is where I will be at!!