Winter Chill...
Vacation plans revised!!
(2007-08-16, 8:41 p.m.)
In case you were wondering, the countdown has started! I mean, it's been happening since I got the job. Now it just seems so real. After 6:pm tomorrow, I won't see most of these guys again. There's going to be several that I miss, and the majority, I won't!
So, let me give you a rundown of vacation plans! I kind of figured I'd better get all the fun stuff in, since the next 8 weeks are going to be busy busy busy!
Tomorrow after I get out of work, Chris and I are going to walk around the fair. I don't think he's been to the fair in 10 years, so it's about time. Saturday, we are going to hit Frankenmuth for lunch, and a quick trip to Bronner's. From there, we are heading to this. I mostly want to go for the flea market/book sale/Ren Faire. And the blueberry pies, and pig roast. Edit: I just talked to Chris and we are going to hit the Greenville Danish Festival on our way back to GR!! I'm going to be fesivaled out! From there it's a 2 hour ride back to GR and Chris' house. I think we are just going to veg in the evening, because Sunday, we are conquering Michigan Adventure! That is going to be an all day event. We will stop at Tracy's house on the way home, just to check it out. Monday will be spent going through this. Tuesday, we will head back to Midland, we have tickets to the Loons game that evening. Wednesday, we are getting up pretty early to get down to Detroit and Henry Ford Museum. We will be having dinner with Kristen at some point, before we head back to our hotel. Thursday is Zoo day, and I'm very excited about that. It's kind of amazing, this will be my third zoo that I've been to this year.
And then the whole reason as to why we are going to be in Detriot....The Dave Matthews Band Concert! We will come home after the concert, and spend Friday vegging until 4:00. That's when I have my "going away" party given to me by my department. Thank goodness Chris is going to be around, he's already agreed to be my DD. If you know me though, I'm not a big drinker! Most of Saturday will be spent recovering, and then Bro and SIL are having a house warming party in the evening. So it' looks like Sunday is the only day that I don't have anything to do! Except get ready to go to my new job!
But before all this festivities can happen, I have to do two loads of clothes, clean the house, and do up a buttload of dishes.
Anyone want to help?