Winter Chill...
A good Thursday in the books...
(2007-09-13, 9:13 p.m.)
So I went to the weather website to see what the weather is going to be like this weekend, and the damn thing shut IE down. Stupid weather.
Today was a crazy day. The IV room hops, and doesn't stop. The bad thing about it, you have to gown up while you are working in there. Hair cover, shoe covers, mask, gown and gloves. Today it was roughly 4 hours that we were gowned up. It's also not the coolest place in the Pharmacy either. So I was looking pretty hot when I left today.
This weekend is the balloon festival here. As long as the weather is good, I'm going tomorrow night. Thankfully, it's not to far away from my house, right around the corner. Since I have the tendency to get up at the buttcrack, I might go to the Saturday morning lift off too.
Next Friday night, a poker party at my friends Larry and Jeri's house. I don't think I'm going to play, just go and hang out with everyone.
I suppose I should be getting ready for bed, 6am is going to be here soon enough.