Winter Chill...
Tetanus shot for me
(2007-09-25, 6:48 p.m.)
I had to get a tetanus shot today because of the poke last week. I haven't had one since 1993 when I cut myself with a razor blade at work. I'm not complaining to much about it thought, I had to wait in Employee Health for a half an hour, and not be in the IV room! So tomorrow I'll probably have a sore arm. To go along with my sore thumb. I think it's finally telling me I've had enough of the IV room!
In response to a comment left by Kathleen yesterday, no I didn't get asked because they knew I couldn't go. Bro and SIL are very selfish people, and don't think about anyone on this side of the family.
I've got some beasties that need some attention!