Winter Chill...
(2007-09-27, 8:18 p.m.)
Tonight was quick and easy!! The color has totally changed, as has the dress! This is what we are wearing now....

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I like this one so much better, because it hides a lot of flaws. And it is going to be in the marine color too. It looked so much richer next to Fiancee's dress too. As far as shoes, we haven't found anything yet. The shoes that they had a David's were between $40-50 dollars, and Fiancee thinks we can get some cheaper. I've looked at Payless, but the cheapest I found was $40 bucks. Besides, I'd almost think to get the same marine color, we should get the shoes from David's. But that's just me.
Anyway, the arm is still sore, and it has a nice red bump about the size of golf ball. It's dead sexy!
Doris went with me tonight too. We stopped at Bayne's for a caramel apple on the way there. She ate her's on the way home. I'm going to have mine now!!