Winter Chill...
And I'm right on time, and the girl keeps singing
(2007-10-09, 1:27 a.m.)
My name is Sara, I'm an Aries, and I like long walks along the beach, cuddling and bonfires.
Seriously, I don't know where that came from. I'm a little bit goofy tonight, that's all. Must have been from the bottle of Pepsi I had earlier. Yes, I know, I don't normally drink soda, but it just sounded good.
I worked with Cory again tonight. I got a nice compliment from him, along the lines, that I've only been working afternoons three days, and I seem to have more knowledge than Betty, who's been there 6 months. I know...I'm smrt!
I bought a really cute night light today. It's the head of a black cat, and the eyes glow from the light of the bulb. It's cool.
Well, I'm pretty tired, so I will be off to catch some zzz's!