Winter Chill...
I'd rather beg borrow and steal....
(2007-10-29, 11:26 p.m.)
I've lost a cat. For the last couple of months, I've left Boo in my room by herself or with Peyton, Eli or Karma. Last night, I had gone into to take a shower, and Markus snuck in. I knew she was under the bed, so I wasn't worried about it. For some reason, he goes after her, I think he just curious about her, but she doesn't like it. So anyway, after my shower, I completely forgot about Markus and took off to go have dinner with Doris and Paul. When I got home, I went in to take off my contacts, and Markus came walking out. Well, I didn't see Boo, but I didn't think anything of it. Well today after the tile shop, I went in there, and I was calling her name but no response. Looked under the bed, and in the closet, not there. I look in the bathroom, and the heater vent had been moved. So she could be in the heating ducts, but the furnace has been running, so I would think it's pretty warm down there. That's the only other explaination I could think of.
I had a good day at the tile shop going, until Jen called me around 10. Mark was sick and needed to go home. Of course I went and got him and took him home. When I got back to the tile shop, someone had unplugged my computer, and since I had iTunes playing along with the visualizer, it killed the battery really fast. I was pissed. When I plugged it back in and turned it on, someone had also muted my music. I don't have it playing loud at all, just some background music while I'm working. That really pissed me off even more.
Today at the hospital, was my first day on my own. Like Jim said, I'm out of the diapers, and wearing the pull-up now. Julie, my supervisor found me, and told me that Kim and Kiersten cornered her this morning about wanting me to work their weekend. Talk about an ego booster! Then Julie started to say something about the staff that works that weekend, and then stopped, probably because it wasn't nice what she was going to say. She was going to talk to the higher ups, and see if it could get changed. I should have told her that I would work the rest of the year on my shift that I have now, and then change it after the first of the year. We shall see on that...
I saved last night's conversation with POFG, but I'm not going to do anything with it right now. I'm pretty tired, and there is a lot of stuff that I need to go through to get you the good parts.
I just typed that last sentence with my eyes closed, didn't do to bad....
Night everyone!
Oh...crapper! I just found out that Saltimbanco is coming to Detroit in January!! Do you think I could get Chris to get tickets for next year's birthday/Christmas??