Winter Chill...
C is for cookie....
(2007-11-06, 4:19 p.m.)
Yes, that should still be me, but I didn't want to sleep my whole day away. I had to stay over last night at work, I didn't get home until a bit after 4 this morning. I think I slept for 1.5 hours, before I had to get up and get ready to go to the tile shop. It was pretty slow, so after I did payroll, I was out the door! I took about a two hour nap, got two loads of laundry working, and a batch of cookie dough chilling in the fridge! I've got 25 minutes before it's ready, so I thought a little update would be in order.
Tomorrow when I go in, I'm going to wear my pedometer just to see how much I walk when I'm at work. OH!! Stupid jerks too. From 8p-6a for the next two weeks, they have blocked off the main elevators, for construction. Which means we have to take out carts way out of the way to get to our areas to stock stuff. Losers.
I also got my new schedule yesterday. We are doing the weekend changeover starting on November 18th. I work eight straight days. So...not only will I have holiday pay for Thanksgiving, I'll have overtime for Saturday, since it's my 6th day of the week. CHA-CHING!!! New tattoo coming up!
Oh! Good news! Cheryl, who works with my mom, has contracted me to make a couple of christmas wreaths for her! I did a small happy dance when she asked me today. I know one is for her mother-in-law, and I'm not sure on the other. She's going to let me know what colors she wants in them though.
A little PSA for everyone....don't eat cheesecake at 2am, by 4 you will have some of the worst heartburn you've ever experienced. Especially if it's the kind of cheesecake that has the graham cracker/sugar crust.
Well, my dough is just about done chilling, so I'm off to make my cookies!