Winter Chill...
It's alive!!
(2007-12-20, 8:42 a.m.)
Hello! Not that anyone has missed me, but yes, I�m still around. When you work funky shifts, and time starts to shift, it can really mess up the mind. I woke up from my siesta yesterday, not having a clue as to what time or day it was. Of course, I started to panic, thinking I was late for something, but when I stopped for a minute, I realized I was fine.
Perseus is healing wonderfully. I stopped in to see Jon Tuesday to show him and have him take some pictures. While I was there on Saturday, he was remarking how great Medusa healed. (I started this yesterday at work, and this was as far as I got...then busy set it!) Anyways, he said I have magic skin becuase I heal so well.'s because I take care of my tattoos when I first get them. But if you want to think I have magic skin, feel free!
So we have figured out what my next one is going to be, and I sent him some pics yesterday so he can start working on the design. I want to get it done in mid to late January, so it's all nice and healed up to go to this at the end of February. Jon mentioned taking a day and going down there, and I would love to go along with them, as his personal billboard. It's going to totally suck when he moves to Royal Oak next year.
In work news, I didn't get the midnight position, which also sucks. Now Kim's old shift is posted, but that's only 56 hours a pay period. Sara can't survive on that...
So Saturday while getting tattooed, we; Doris, Missy, Jon and I, got on the subject of sex. I had made the comment that it's been 270+ days since I've gotten any. Jon looked at me, and said that he thought it was bad he was going on two months. Then he said something about not even getting any on his birthday. I guess his wife has told him that if he can find it somewhere else to go ahead get it.
HELLO!! I'm the queen of meaningless relationships with attached men, I'll fill in anytime. Of course I latched on to that, and after he said it, I raised my hand and said something about being all over that.
Well...I need to hop in the shower and get ready to go to Sharon's for our Christmas brunch. I still have to wrap my gift too. I made a wreath and I got the perfect box, it's 24x24x4.
Oh yeah, we didn't Christmas last Sunday with Bro's family. Baby Girl was sick, and I don't blame them for wanting to keep her home. So I guess we are going to do it over New Years weekend now. As far as what else I'm doing, Tom and I are supposed to get together and do dinner and a movie one day. Other than that, I think it's going to be a quiet weekend.
Okay...I'll check in next week...hahaha!