Winter Chill...
You were last seen hiking up Mt. Ego
(2008-01-02, 12:19 a.m.)
I actually had a nice conversation with a guy from New Zealand tonight. He found me on Yahoo, and we talked tattoos the whole time. It was great. I told him about the guy a while ago who told me he loved me...during the conversation, Reon threw that in. But it was okay, because it wasn't creepy! Oh yeah, and why did we talk tattoos? Because he's a tattoo artist!!
Stopped and saw Jon today. He's a little concerned that Athena is still a bit red. And painful. Very very painful. So he put some tegaderm on it, hoping that will help. And it did. I think what was causing the irritation was my pant leg. I just have to keep an eye on it, if it gets redder, I need to take the tegaderm off. Considering how painful it was to put on, not looking forward to taking it off anytime soon.
I also went over and hung out with Doris for a bit this afternoon. I wanted to show her Athena. And of course, we get on the subject of sex. It seems everytime we talk, that comes up.
I suppose I better sign off for now. I know I have to get up early to shovel ye old driveway and get on the treadmill...
love and kisses