Winter Chill...
malarky....nothing but...
(2008-01-13, 8:53 p.m.) least someone from the Manning clan is going to a championship game. I would have like to see Peyton go, but Eli will do. In fact, I was secretly hoping the Giants would win.
The sickness sort of has returned. It seems that if I don't eat anything, I get cramps, and if I do eat, I get cramps. So I'm just kind of hoping it will work it's way out of my system soon.
Thankfully, I don't have to work tomorrow morning, so almost another whole day of rest. And I can do my laundry, since I didn't do it today.
So anyway, I had a really sweet dream with Eric in it last night. It was one of those that when you wake up, you go, "Awww".
I saw this on TV today, I think I need it. Although, I don't really have any free wall space to put it on. Or maybe I do...
Okay,I've dinked around long enough...
Love and kisses