Winter Chill...
Family, for life...
(2008-01-17, 2:19 p.m.)
Wow...tough crowd here tonight. Getting ready to go to Tom's for dinner. Fajitas and margaritas coming up! There will be a short stop at Gypsies to hopefully pick up some astrology dice, if they still have them saved for me. It's been so long since I asked Chantelle to save them for me.
Work was insane last night. We were doing pretty good, then we got two calls for two different TPN's, which aren't easy to make. Total time to figure out amounts and then make it, have the pharmacist check it, takes about 30 minutes. Normally they are made on day shift to hang at 4pm. These were called for at 9 and 10pm. Then it seemed we'd get done with something, come out of the IV room, and we'd get a call for an insulin drip. Then you'd have to go through all the crap to get gowned up again.
Needless to say, I'm happy to be off today.
I talked to mom today. I'm a little bit upset with Bro and SIL. It seems that Baby Girl has been sent to the principal's office everyday for the last two weeks. Tuesday, the principal had to take her screaming and crying down the hall to his office. One day last week, she got off the bus, at the wrong house with a boy. And the bus driver let her. So here's Bro, waiting for her to come home, and she's not showing up. Finally, the little boy's dad calls the bus barn, and then they got ahold of Bro. I would have been pitching a fit about the bus driver letting her off.
When they took Baby Girl to the counselor to see if she was ready for kindergarten, the woman said that BG was very mature for being a four year old. No..she not mature, she's just intelligent.
They were apparently told that she's going to have to repeat kindergarten anyway, so mom and I think they should just pull her out and put her in young fives. But Bro and SIL aren't going to do that, because then they'd have to pay for day care. for day care, or have your daughter be miserable at school for the next 5 months. And it sucks that I don't have this weekend off, I'd like to spend some time with her. Because I know Bro and SIL expect alot from her. I want to call Bro and talk with him, but I know that's going to be like talking with a brick wall. He gets a burr up his ass, and you can't talk to him at all....
Conversation with YahooGuy is going good...
I need to get ready to go to Tom's...
Love and kisses...