Winter Chill...
Life is just a fantasy....
(2008-01-16, 2:20 p.m.)
YahooGuy sent me a message this morning with his contact info!! We've been chatting online since about 9:30 this morning. With an hour break for lunch!
He hasn't called me honey, sweetie or any other kind of endearment the whole time, gold star for him. He's into ancient cultures and religions, he thinks..." i think the bible is a good read, but not a fact as organized religion would have us believe" and "in the same sense i do believe in evil but the devil? think he's a nice character for the bible thumpers to blame their problems on"
he's mega jealous of my tattoos, and he really likes them all too! I told him if he went into see Jon with me, Jon would probably give him a good deal.
Speaking of Jon, we are going to finish Athena up next Tuesday at four. While I was there, Jon was talking to a guy about advertising. The tattoo shop is going to be advertising at the local movie theater before the movie starts. He wants Athena done so he can use my leg in the ad!! How wickedly awesome is that??
Okay, time for a short siesta before I go in to work...
love and kisses!